Risk Culture

Training and Development Data

Training & Development Inputs

Average hours per FTE of training and development 42.17 (FY2022)

Average amount spent per FTE on training and development. (2,205) (FY2022), Currency:TRY

Employee Development Programs

Part-Time Training Instructor Development Program

The aim of the program is to enable employees to share their knowledge with other employees, to contribute to their personal development and to develop their different competencies, and to provide training by parttime internal trainers instead of external trainers. Part-time internal trainers are prepared with trainings and mentorship given by full-time trainers.

Data Science Development Programs

The scope of changing technologies and Reskill & Upskill competence transformation, In the bank, which has a data-oriented decision-making culture, with our Data Science Development Programs; we aim to develop data analysis competencies that will enable our employees to generate value from data. In this context, we offer training programs to our employees holding the roles of Data Scientist and Data Specialist. The Program is given specifically to our employees that is Data Scientist have gained competence with advanced level data processing and data visualization by specified trainings. The program consists of 3 modules as beginner, intermediate and advanced. Under these modules, they extract meaning, insight and prediction from structural and unstructured data by using scientific methods, process algorithms and systems such as different levels of advanced statistics and mathematical methods. The program consists of Statistics, Machine Learning, Programming and Python trainings.

Training of Employees on Risk Management

There are regular focused training on the risk management principles for Garanti BBVA employees. As of 31.12.2022, 7.764 employees completed the following trainings: Forgery and Operational Risks (782), Operational Risks- Control (1395), Operational Risks - Case Operations(1282), Economic Risk Analysis (14), Operational Risks -Credit Transactions (129), Risk Culture and Risk Management (65), Operational Risks - Private Banking (76), Operational Risks -Back Office (105), Management of Operational Risks (93),Operational Risks-Ethics (1948),Risk Based Review Process Training(896),Risk Assesment In Customer Acceptance Process(932),Operational Risk Acceptance Processes (47) etc. Through the activities regarding the management and measurement of operational risks, employees are informed regarding the definition of operational risk factors, operational risk and loss types and classification; the specifications and procedures of the tools used such as key risk indicators, risk control self assessment, scenario analysis etc. All those activities are such a training sessions.