Lawsuit abroad to which the Bank is a party

Lawsuit abroad to which the Bank is a party

With the public disclosures dated 14.08.2015, 12.10.2015, 11.12.2015, 11.02.2016, 11.04.2016, 10.06.2016, 10.08.2016, 10.10.2016, 12.12.2016, 13.02.2017, 13.04.2017, 14.06.2017, 14.08.2017, 20.09.2017, 20.11.2017, 22.01.2018, 20.03.2018, 21.05.2018, 19.07.2018, 20.09.2018.

With the public disclosure referenced above, it was announced that the Grande Tribunal of Paris responsible for financial institutions rendered its decision in a litigation matter where our Bank is listed as one of the defendants. As a result, a judicial fine together with the indemnification of public loss were imposed upon our Bank and our Bank filed an appeal against such decision.

The Appeal Court approved the decision of the Grande Tribunal of Paris. The Bank disagrees with the conclusion and is planning to conduct all necessary actions to take this matter to the High Court in France.

*In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail

Lawsuit abroad to which the Bank is a party


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