Garanti BBVA once again on the CDP Climate Change Program Global A List

Garanti BBVA once again on the CDP Climate Change Program Global A List

With its sustainability efforts prioritizing the climate crisis and inclusive growth, Garanti BBVA was once again included in the A List at the global level in the Climate Change Program of CDP, one of the world's most important reporting platforms, according to the 2022 results. Garanti BBVA, which has been reporting transparently and publicly to the CDP Climate Change Program since 2009 and to the CDP Water Program since 2015, continues to be the main supporter of CDP Türkiye.  

Işıl Akdemir Evlioğlu, Executive Vice President of Garanti BBVA, said: "At Garanti BBVA, we have been contributing to sustainable development for more than 16 years with our pioneering efforts in combating the climate crisis, transition to a low-carbon economy and inclusive growth. We address sustainability in all its aspects, from gender equality to energy efficiency, from increasing financial literacy to circular economy, and integrate it into the way we do business. We develop sustainability-focused products and services tailored to each customer segment, from Retail to SME, Commercial to Corporate, and support our customers in adopting more sustainable business models. We implement practices to minimize the environmental impact of our own operations. Moreover, we became the first bank in Türkiye to commit to phasing out coal financing. We are also the first bank from Türkiye to sign the United Nations Net-Zero Banking Alliance. We are pleased and proud to have once again been included in the Global A List of the CDP Climate Change Program with our efforts to combat the climate crisis. The fact that our transparent and sustainable business approach is recognized by CDP, one of the most respected indices in the international arena, is of great importance to us for the strong relationship we have built with our stakeholders. We will continue to support our customers with the products and services we have developed to finance sustainable activities. In addition, we will continue to contribute to sustainability in every way possible by pursuing the ambitious goals we have set for ourselves."

About CDP

CDP, an international non-profit organization based in London, helps publicly traded companies report to investors on how they use natural resources and natural capital, how their activities affect the reproduction of finite resources, and how they manage their risks in this area. CDP makes corporate reports comparable and works to improve international reporting standards in its area of interest. Recognized by Harvard Business Review as the world's most powerful green non-governmental organization, CDP believes that the private sector should take responsibility for climate change and offers a platform where the private sector can transparently disclose their climate change policies and strategies for water in order to encourage them to fulfill this responsibility. In line with the Climate Change Program, CDP evaluates companies in terms of their governance structures on climate change, risk and opportunity definitions, business strategies, targets, greenhouse gas emission data, engagement with different stakeholders and grades them according to the scoring methodology.

To access information about the results of the CDP Climate Change Program:


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