Book Building of Bank Bonds Issuance to Qualified Investors

Book Building of Bank Bonds Issuance to Qualified Investors

It has been announced that  pursuant to the authority given to the Head Office by the resolution of The Board of Directors dated November 30 , 2016 for a 1-year period, our application to issue all kinds of debt instruments including but not limited to fixed or floating rate bonds, debentures and/or credit risk-based and other structured debt instruments up to the aggregate amount of TL 20,000,000,000 (Twenty Billion Turkish Lira) in Turkish Lira currency with different types and maturity dates, to be sold domestically by public offering or to qualified investors in one or more issuances, was approved by the Capital Markets Board on March 10, 2017.

In this context; our Bank has commenced the operations for the issuance of bank bonds with a maturity of 175 days to be sold to qualified investors. It is planned that the book building of bank bonds will take place on April 5-6, 2017 and  the transfer of the bonds to client accounts will be executed on April 7, 2017.

Board Decision Date 30.11.2016 Related Issue Limit Info Currency Unit TL Issue Limit 20,000,000,000 Issue Limit Security Type Debt Securities Sale Type Public Offering-Sale To Qualified Investor Domestic / Overseas Domestic Capital Market Instrument To Be Issued Info Type Bill Maturity Date 19.07.2017 Maturity (Day) 93 Interest Rate Type Discounted Sale Type Sale To Qualified Investor ISIN Code TRQGRAN71719 Starting Date of Sale 13.04.2017 Ending Date of Sale 14.04.2017 Maturity Starting Date 17.04.2017 Coupon Number 0 Redemption Date 19.07.2017 Payment Date 19.07.2017 Was The Payment Made? No

Book Building of Bank Bonds Issuance to Qualified Investors


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