Child Care

Employees who are nursing are granted flexible time for nursing until the infant is 1 year old and can take 2 hours off every day in this first year. Alternatively, they can prefer to use this leave each day (or combine the hours into one additional day of leave each week, or aggregate all days and extend their maternity leave by approximately one month). 

In order to support employees giving birth, Garanti BBVA offers additional insurance guarantees for childbirth expenses. Our employees who become parents are supported in child development and can attend courses at the Mother-Father-Child Academy. 

A new orientation program is planned in 2018 for women employees who are returning from maternal leave to ease their adaptation to work life and duties. 

Garanti BBVA employees are entitled to additional rights in maternity leave beyond the practices recognized by the laws. During the reporting period, 743 women employees went on maternity leave and 506 male employees went on paternity leave. 86% of women employees who took maternity leave in 2017 are still working at Garanti BBVA.1 With the Motherhood Experience Project introduced in January 2018, HR processes were renewed for supporting pregnancy and post-partum periods.